What is Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

Team Applied AI

Machine Learning

What is Feature Engineering?

In the world of machine learning, raw data alone isn’t enough to build successful models. This is where feature engineering comes in, often referred to as the “secret weapon” that transforms raw data into meaningful features, ultimately driving better model performance. Feature engineering is the process of selecting, modifying, and creating features from raw data, enabling machine learning algorithms to capture patterns and make more accurate predictions.

Studies have shown that effective feature engineering can significantly improve model performance, often more than choosing complex algorithms. By carefully crafting and refining features, data scientists can unlock the full potential of their data and improve the accuracy, interpretability, and insights of machine learning models.

Feature engineering involves key steps, including understanding the data, selecting and transforming features, and scaling them appropriately for machine learning algorithms. Each of these stages plays a critical role in ensuring that your model learns from the best possible version of your data.

Why Feature Engineering in Machine Learning Matters?

Raw data, as powerful as it might seem, is often unrefined and not immediately usable by machine learning models. Features in raw data can be noisy, incomplete, or irrelevant. Directly using unprocessed data often leads to poor model performance and missed insights.

This is where feature engineering becomes critical—it bridges the gap between raw data and valuable, actionable information. By crafting features that emphasize key patterns, trends, and relationships in the data, feature engineering transforms the data into a format that machine learning algorithms can effectively use.

For example, in predictive models, well-engineered features can drastically improve performance. Poor feature engineering, on the other hand, can lead to misleading results, causing models to overfit or underperform. In a classic case from e-commerce, good feature engineering of time-based purchase data led to significant improvements in predicting customer behavior, as opposed to using raw transactional data.

Core Steps in Feature Engineering

Feature engineering follows a structured workflow that helps convert raw data into features that machine learning algorithms can leverage. Here’s an outline of the core stages involved in this process:

  • Data Understanding and Exploration: The first step is to deeply understand the data. This involves exploring the data types, identifying missing values, and analyzing patterns within the dataset.
  • Feature Selection and Creation: Next, identify the most relevant features and, if needed, create new features. Feature creation involves techniques like combining existing features, generating ratios, or analyzing feature interactions.
  • Feature Transformation: Transform features into a format suitable for machine learning algorithms. This can include encoding categorical features, handling outliers, and normalizing or standardizing the data.
  • Feature Scaling: Lastly, scaling features ensures that they are on a consistent scale, which is crucial for algorithms that rely on distance calculations, such as K-nearest neighbors or support vector machines.

This workflow helps ensure that machine learning models learn from the best possible version of the data, improving both performance and interpretability.

1: Data Understanding and Exploration

The foundation of feature engineering lies in thoroughly understanding your data. This step involves analyzing patterns, identifying missing values, and recognizing the data types present. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques such as visualizing distributions, scatter plots, and correlation matrices are commonly used to uncover relationships between variables and spot anomalies.

2: Feature Selection and Creation

Selecting relevant features is crucial to ensuring that your model focuses on the most informative parts of the data. In this phase, you may also create new features that better represent relationships in the dataset. Common techniques include:

  • Combining Features: Merge multiple features to create more insightful ones, such as calculating a customer’s total spending by combining purchase frequency and average transaction amount.
  • Deriving Ratios: Generate ratios from numerical features, such as profit-to-sales ratio.
  • Interaction Analysis: Analyze interactions between features to capture non-linear relationships. For example, the interaction between income level and age might be a strong predictor of purchasing power.

3: Feature Transformation

Features often need to be transformed into a format that better suits the machine learning model. Some common transformation techniques include:

  • Encoding Categorical Features: Categorical variables, such as “Country” or “Product Type,” need to be encoded into numerical values. Popular techniques include One-Hot Encoding (creating binary columns for each category) and Label Encoding (assigning a unique integer to each category).
  • Handling Outliers: Outliers can skew model performance, so they may need to be removed or transformed. Techniques like Winsorizing (limiting extreme values) or log transformations can be used.
  • Normalization/Standardization: Transform continuous variables to a standard scale. For example, transforming a feature like “Age” to a 0–1 range using min-max normalization ensures that models treat all features equally.

Python Example for One-Hot Encoding:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
# Sample data
data = pd.DataFrame({'Country': ['USA', 'Canada', 'Germany', 'USA']})
# One-Hot Encoding
encoder = OneHotEncoder()
encoded_data = encoder.fit_transform(data[['Country']]).toarray()

4: Feature Scaling

Feature scaling is important for models that rely on distance-based calculations (like KNN or SVM). By scaling features, you ensure that each feature contributes equally to the model. Two common techniques are:

  • Normalization: Rescaling values to a [0,1] range.
  • Standardization: Transforming features to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, which is often preferred for algorithms like SVM.

Python Example for Standardization:

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# Sample data
data = [[100, 0.2], [120, 0.4], [150, 0.1]]
# Standardization
scaler = StandardScaler()
scaled_data = scaler.fit_transform(data)

Key Techniques and Tools For Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

There are several widely-used techniques in feature engineering that can significantly enhance model performance. Let’s explore some of the most important ones:

Categorical Feature Encoding

Categorical data, such as countries, product categories, or user demographics, must be converted into numerical format for machine learning algorithms to process them. Common encoding techniques include:

  • One-Hot Encoding: Creates a new binary column for each category.
  • Label Encoding: Assigns a unique integer to each category.
  • Target Encoding: Replaces categories with the mean of the target variable for each category.

Example of One-Hot Encoding:

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
# Example data
data = pd.DataFrame({'City': ['New York', 'Paris', 'London', 'New York']})
encoder = OneHotEncoder()
encoded_data = encoder.fit_transform(data[['City']]).toarray()

Feature Scaling

As mentioned earlier, scaling is essential for ensuring that no single feature dominates others in algorithms that rely on distances. Two widely-used scaling techniques are:

  • Normalization: Scales features to a range of [0, 1].
  • Standardization: Centers data around the mean with a standard deviation of 1.

Example of Min-Max Normalization:

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
# Example data
data = [[100, 200], [120, 180], [150, 160]]
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
normalized_data = scaler.fit_transform(data)

Feature Creation

Feature creation involves generating new features from existing ones. Techniques include:

  • Feature Interaction: Identifying interactions between features that can provide additional insights. For instance, multiplying or dividing features to reveal relationships.
  • Deriving New Features: This can involve calculating ratios, differences, or even creating entirely new features based on domain knowledge. For example, you might derive a “profit margin” feature from revenue and cost columns.

Handling Missing Values

Dealing with missing values is a crucial part of feature engineering. Common strategies include:

  • Mean/Median Imputation: Replacing missing numerical values with the mean or median of the feature.
  • Mode Imputation: Replacing missing categorical values with the most frequent category.
  • Advanced Imputation: Using algorithms such as KNN imputation to predict missing values based on the values of similar data points.

Python Example for Imputation:

from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
# Example data
data = [[25, None], [30, 45], [35, 50]]
imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')
imputed_data = imputer.fit_transform(data)

Streamlining The Process: Feature Engineering Tools to Consider

Feature engineering can be time-consuming, but several tools can automate tasks and improve efficiency:

1. Featuretools

Featuretools automates the process of feature creation, allowing you to generate new features based on relationships between your data. It’s particularly useful for hierarchical datasets with multiple tables.

  • Key Benefit: Automatic creation of features for time series, transactional, or relational datasets.

2. AutoFeat

AutoFeat is another powerful tool that simplifies feature engineering by automatically generating and selecting useful features.

  • Key Benefit: It intelligently explores combinations of existing features and selects the most predictive ones.

3. TsFresh

TsFresh is designed for time-series data, automatically extracting relevant features and discarding irrelevant ones.

  • Key Benefit: It saves time by automating feature extraction for complex time-series data.

4. Scikit-learn Feature Selection Tools

Scikit-learn provides built-in feature selection methods, such as Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) and SelectKBest, to help identify the most important features for your model.

  • Key Benefit: Efficiently reduces the feature space, improving model performance.

5. Pandas Profiling

Pandas Profiling automates the exploratory data analysis (EDA) process by generating a detailed report of your dataset. This includes distributions, missing values, correlations, and outliers, helping you quickly understand your data.

  • Key Benefit: Accelerates the EDA process, making it easier to spot potential issues before feature engineering.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Feature Engineering Strategies

While basic feature engineering techniques are essential, advanced strategies can further improve your model’s performance, especially when dealing with specific data types or complex datasets.

1. Text Feature Engineering

Text data is unstructured, and transforming it into a usable format requires advanced feature engineering techniques. Common approaches include:

  • TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency): Measures the importance of a word in a document relative to the entire dataset.
  • Word Embeddings: Use methods like Word2Vec or GloVe to represent text as dense vectors, capturing semantic relationships between words.
  • N-grams: Capturing adjacent words or phrases (bi-grams, tri-grams) to extract context from text data.

These techniques are highly effective for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as sentiment analysis or text classification.

2. Image Feature Extraction

For image data, advanced feature extraction methods can help convert visual information into numerical data that machine learning models can process. Some key techniques include:

  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): CNNs automatically learn features from image data, such as edges, shapes, and textures, by applying filters across the image.
  • Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG): Extracts features based on the direction of object edges within an image, making it useful for tasks like object detection.

3. Feature Importance Analysis

Understanding which features are most important for your model is crucial for both interpretability and performance. Techniques like Random Forest Feature Importance and Permutation Importance can help identify which features have the most influence on your model’s predictions.

4. Dimensionality Reduction

High-dimensional data can negatively impact model performance, making dimensionality reduction a valuable technique. Popular methods include:

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Reduces the dimensionality of data by identifying the directions (principal components) along which the variance of the data is highest.
  • t-SNE (t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding): Primarily used for visualizing high-dimensional data, t-SNE helps reduce data complexity while preserving relationships between data points.

Case Study: Applying Feature Engineering to a Real-World Scenario

To illustrate the impact of feature engineering, let’s consider a real-world case study involving customer churn prediction for a telecommunications company. The goal was to predict whether customers would leave the service based on various attributes like monthly charges, contract type, and tenure.

Techniques Used:

  • Feature Interaction: Derived interaction features between contract type and monthly charges to capture patterns of high churn risk.
  • Feature Transformation: Used log transformation on continuous features like “tenure” to handle skewness.
  • Dimensionality Reduction: Applied PCA to reduce the feature space from 20 dimensions to 5, improving model performance.

Impact: By applying these techniques, the model’s accuracy increased by 12%, demonstrating the importance of advanced feature engineering in building robust models.


Feature engineering is a critical step in the data science process, and its impact on machine learning model performance cannot be overstated. From transforming raw data into meaningful features to applying advanced techniques for specialized tasks, feature engineering plays a pivotal role in model success. Whether you’re encoding categorical variables, creating new features, or scaling data for optimal performance, mastering these techniques will help you build more accurate, efficient, and interpretable models.


1. What is Featurization in machine learning?

Featurization refers to the process of converting raw data into meaningful features that can be used by machine learning algorithms. It involves creating, transforming, and selecting features to improve model performance.

2. What is feature engineering for machine learning libraries?

Feature engineering for machine learning libraries refers to the use of tools like Scikit-learn, Featuretools, or AutoFeat to automate feature creation, transformation, and selection, making it easier to prepare data for model training.

3. What is feature engineering in EDA?

In Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), feature engineering involves creating new features, transforming data, and handling missing values to enhance the understanding of data and improve the effectiveness of machine learning models.

4. What are common techniques used in Feature Engineering?

Common techniques include feature scaling, encoding categorical variables, handling missing data, creating new features through interactions, and transforming data using methods like normalization or log transformations.


  1. What is a feature engineering? | IBM
  2. Feature Engineering for Machine Learning | by Sumit Makashir | Towards Data Science
  3. Feature Engineering Explained | Built In